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Contribution Support

Calvary Chapel Green Valley Christian Academy is an educational institution operated as a ministry of Calvary Chapel Green Valley, a non-profit 501(c)(3) religious organization. We maintain Private Exempt Status pursuant to NRS 394.211, and as such is exempt from the provisions of the Private Elementary and Secondary Education Authorization Act.

CCGVCA is accredited by Northwest Accreditation Commission, a division of AdvancEd, the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools, and by the National Council for Private School Accreditation.

Contributions in any amount are sincerely welcomed. All donations are tax-deductible and result in a both a tax donation receipt and a warm Thank You! Make an online gift at our secure website, designating Christian Academy in the drop down list (complete ‘First Time’ sign-in prior to designation) or simply contact us to meet in person regarding your interest in contributing to the Academy.

Click here to make an Online Gift!

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